[PDF] Integrating Gender Equality Into Business And Management Education Lessons Learned And Challenges Remaining Ebook
Integrating Gender Equality Into Business And Management
Integrating Gender Equality into Business and Management ... This volume addresses the need to integrate gender equality into business and management education and provides examples of leading initiatives illustrating how this can occur from various disciplinary and global perspectives. Gender inequality has a long history in business schools and the workplace, and traditions are hard to change. Integrating gender equality into business and management ... Get this from a library! Integrating gender equality into business and management education : lessons learned and challenges remaining. [Patricia M Flynn; Kathryn Haynes; Maureen A Kilgour;] Integrating Gender Equality into Business and Management ... This volume addresses the need to integrate gender equality into business and management education and provides examples of leading initiatives illustrating how this can occur from various disciplinary and global perspectives. Gender inequality has a long history in business schools and the workplace, and traditions are hard to change.

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